

Imagine this, you wake up one morning to find that no one is around, that everyone has disappeared and that all the buildings, everything in the city is open to you, that you can walk around the city naked, that you can walk barefoot, that only the birds talk to you that only the birds keep you company. Imagine this, you're walking down the streets where there are no cars, where there is no people, you walk down the middle of the road, and you see the empty buildings, lights-off, looming around you, you see the modern buildings, the old stone buildings in front of you. You lie down, right there, in the middle of the street. And you breathe in, and you breathe out, and you feel the tarmac underneath you. You can get in wherever you want, you can get into the shops and try whatever you want, wear whatever you want, and it really doesn't matter anymore because there is no one around to see you. There are no social limitations. You can get inside the churches and the cathedrals and walk around and see parts that no one has ever seen. And get inside old buildings, the ones that are museums, and sneak around and see them how the original architect had wanted them to be seen.

Imagine this, imagine the world open to you. Imagine there to be no one to tell you what you can do, what you can wear. Imagine being free as a bird. Imagine all this. Imagine it became real, the thrill, at first, the excitement, the wonder of being alone, and then it hit you, that you really are alone. Not alone because you choose it, not alone for a while, alone forever.