
A Story A Day. Story 208 of 365: Repayment.

The sound of her mobile phone ringing interrupted her line of thought. It was Tisiphone, her sister.

-Hi, Tisi! 

-Hi, Meg. How are you?

-Been better, you? 

-I just came back to see Alecto and the baby. What happened?

Megaera explained everything to her sister, and she could hear how the fury took over her voice too. All the three sisters were more temperamental than it was good for them. She also explained her what she was planning to do. But her sister interrupted her with even a better plan. Tisi had always had the more twisted of the ideas. Megaera listened carefully and saw how what her younger sister had proposed would actually hurt him much more. 

Megaera returned to her workplace mid-afternoon and sat down with a smile of satisfaction. She pretended to be working, but she was waiting for her plan to unravel. At almost five in the afternoon she heard shouting coming from her boss' office. All her co-workers had stood up and were observing what was happening inside said office. She walked up to one of her coworkers and asked, candidly, what was happening. 

-Apparently the boss was sleeping with his secretary. The CEO of the multinational found out and didn't like it a bit, not only because he's a catholic who believes in the sanctity of marriage, but because the secretary is his daughter. 

Megaera put a horrified face and covered her mouth, trying to hide the smile that had creeped out. 

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