
A Story A Day. Story 283 of 365: Touch.

From early infancy, Risa had hated being touched, she would cry whenever a stranger touched her, and her parents knew better than trying to comfort her with hugs, as she would actually wind up more upset. They did even take her to a psychologist, to no avail. People told Risa's parents that she would change as she grew up, everyone needed human contact. However, that was not the case. Risa learnt not to make a fuss every time someone touched her, but she would still become very upset, and a simple contact would ruin her day. She had long avoided the underground and any kind of crowded spaces. It took her longer than her friends to engage in any kind of intimate relations. Surprisingly, she did enjoy them, even if it meant letting guys touch her more extensively than anyone had before. Once she was in the mood, she completely forgot about it. Yet, as soon as it was over, her phobia would come back rushing. She couldn't stand sleeping in the same bed as the guy, and cuddling made her extremely uncomfortable. She would usually run away as soon as she had her clothes back on, or invite her guest to leave. If there was no other option but to stay, she would spend the night awake. More than once she had simply looked for another place to sleep, which had sparked some awkward mornings after. Because of her phobia, she was unable to let anyone in her life. Although, probably, that was just a cover to avoid having to open her heart to anyone.

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