When Amalia started working in that company, she was excited, it was her dream job, her boss seemed nice and understanding. For some time, everything looked perfect, she was happy, her boss would talk to her almost every day and be open about her ideas. She worked long hours, but she was enthusiastic about her job, so she didn't mind. After a year, problems started, Amalia's work wasn't going as expected, and her boss was starting to become nervous, talking down to her. Amalia worked harder and harder, but it was going nowhere. The more Amalia worked, the worse her boss treated her. She would suggest changes in the way she was working, to improve, but her boss wouldn't listen, yet she would suggest exactly the same thing to Amalia some days later.
Amalia started working on weekends and even longer hours, in hopes her boss would realize how much effort she was putting in, but her boss still thought she was not working hard enough. Amalia started hating her job, she would overwork herself, crying herself to sleep. But whatever she did, it didn't change a thing.
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