

The other day, I was asked to define what is happiness. Everybody thinks they know what is happiness, but if you've ever tried to define it, you'll find out that is hard, as hard as it can get.

First of all, everyone has their own definition of happiness, and what is good for someone can be wrong for someone else. Everyone finds happiness in different places, doing different things. So I guess that the only thing I can actually do is say what is happiness to me.

Happiness is when you do something that fulfills you, that challenges you intellectually. I know it sounds strange, but I know I wouldn't be happy if I had a job in which I didn't need to think, in which I didn't have problems to solve. I'd feel frustrated and undervalued, even if problem solving is stressful and tyring, I still find happiness in the tiredness and the stress.

Happiness is also a good book, the kind of book that you cannot stop reading, that you need to read even when you're walking down the street. Also, the kind of book that is so intense that makes you need to stop reading and think about it. Happiness is being on the train, unable to sit on a chair and sit on the floor so you can keep reading.

Happiness is being able to write, even if you cannot actually control what you're writing, because you're just channeling the flow between your imagination and the piece of paper. It is also missing your stop because you are so focused writing that you don't even know where you are anymore.

Happiness is that song that makes you smile, is that song that makes you cry, that song that makes you want to dance even if you're walking down the street.

Happiness is seeing the things through the lens of a camera, spending 3 hours in a place taking pictures just because you like the place. Is walking for hours and not even realizing it, because you're so mesmerised with the view that you just can't stop yourself.

Happiness is getting lost, is looking for something and not knowing how to get there so you end up going around discovering new things. It is getting lost in a museum and not caring about it.

Happiness is going to bookshops to check on new books and having to leave without buying anything because you are starting to have Stendhal's Syndrome. It is the smell of new books and the smell of old books.

Happiness is travelling to places, seeing new things at the pace you want. Eating other food, meeting new people who are going to be part of your life for a couple of days or even hours. It is trying to learn new languages.

Happiness is a cold winter morning, when it is so cold that the air is actually crispy, but it is also sunny so you can feel the sun warming your face. It is, also, a cool summer evening by the sea, with your feet in the water and the sound of the sea whispering secrets to you. It is a sunset and a sunrise. It is snow. It is a rainy day walking down the street without an umbrella and not caring about it.

Happiness is smiling. Smiling when you've got reasons to smile, smiling when you don't have them. Smiling from early in the morning to late in the evening. Smiling for no reasons at all, just because you feel like smiling.

Happiness is some words said out loud. Some small gestures. Some stares. Some things you'll never say, but you wish you did. Some feelings.

Happiness is having people who cares for you. Friends who are there for you and you can tell them anything you want. People you know that smile at you when you meet them. Family, even if they are sometimes difficult, they are happiness too. Happiness is having people you care for and you want them to be happy. People who want you to be happy.

Happiness is in the small things. In things that happen everyday, but you don't even realize. Things like the stars being up there or the leaves falling in Autumn. Or waking up on a weekend at your usual time and realizing that you didn't set up an alarm so you can sleep as much as you want. Happiness is waking up because the sunlight is coming through your window.

Happiness is waking up early, turning on the music and dancing. It is having chocolate for breakfast. It is your favorite dish when you are less expecting it. Happiness is a birthday cake.

Happiness is taking some time to cook something elaborate without any special reason. It is spoiling yourself.

Happiness is when you love yourself. And when you love someone else.

Happiness is stroking a dog or a cat. It is seeing kids at play. It is old people who love each other like the first day.

Happiness is going for a run in the forest. It is running downhill, it is stepping on ponds. It is feeling your legs getting tired, it is catching up your breath. It is taking a shower afterwards.

Happiness is staring through the window and seeing the lights of the city.

Happiness is the smell of the forest after a storm. The smell of clean sheets. The smell of the food your grandma used to cook when you went to visit her as a kid.

Happiness is the past, the present and the future. It is having all this. It is enjoying your life.

Happiness, sometimes, is about overcomplicating things that seem straight forward. It is about doubts and surprises. About unexpected things happening.

Happiness is about being mad at someone for a stupid reason and realizing it is stupid and fixing it. It is about knowing who you are and why do you do things.

Happiness is writing a 1,000 words essay about happiness.

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