

I can hear her voice inside my head "Let's go home, it's getting colder and we will freeze to death." It was getting colder, indeed, but I had to stay a bit more. The water freezing before my eyes, the white sky announcing snow, it was a sight to behold. I told her I wanted to stay some more. She gave me a disapproving look before handling me her gloves. "Come back soon" she said "the temperature drops quickly after sundown." I smiled at her, a thousand miles away. 

I don't know when it started snowing, I had been staring at the lake for so long that time had lost its meaning. The soft thump of a pile of snow falling from a branch took me out from my daydreaming. I was myself covered in snow, at least three inches. It was then when I realized the light was fading. I stood up and shook it away as a dog would do. My limbs protested, half-frozen after sitting on the shore for so long. When I started moving I could feel needles poking on muscles, my thoes and fingers burning when the blood flow returned to them. That was when the wind started. 

I had been walking for a long time, dragging myself through the snow, hoping to see the lighhts of the town ahead. It was barely half a mile away, yet it seemed to never come up. The wind picked up as did the snow fall. The world turned white. 

I don't know how long have I been walking for, it could be two hours, but it could also be two days, the sky is in constant twilight because of the blizzard. I look around me and I can only see snowflakes. I can't see my own feet, I can't certainly see the trees, if there are any, or the houses, although that is a vain hope. I half-drag, half-crawl over the snowdrift, knowing that most of my toes are frozen dead. My fingers aren't too bad, yet, as I force myself to move them, but I don't really know how much longer I will be able to keep it up. Does it really matter, though? She was right, I'll freeze to death and dead people need no fingers. 

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