
Xmas and Xmas shopping and so on.

I went for Xmas shopping today. To buy my own presents. Worst experience ever. Well maybe not worse experience but worst xmas shopping ever for sure.

There was lots and lots of people everywhere, I don't know where all this people is usually, maybe they're hidden in basements or something and they only go out before xmas. I hate it when the streets are crowded, it makes me feel uncomfortable, weak and uneasy, it makes me feel almost as if I was naked (I said almost). I guess is the elbowing and the pushing and the fact that somehow people I don't know get to touch me, this happens to me in public transport (I guess that it is worse 'cause I hate it when people sits next to me if there are other seats available) or in elevators (gosh! I hate overcrowded elevators). So to feel better I just plug to my iPod (for this and to avoid xmas carols). That's what I did today play randomly whatever I have on my iPod, though it turned out that it decided that I was in mood for Sigur Rós, early Sigur Rós, which clearly I wasn't. I changed to Mando Diao, but still it kept playing the less rock'n'roll songs.

Actually there's another reason for the iPod usage, the fact is that I use to talk to myself. Out loud. Well actually muttering. In English. Yeah, I'm the insane girl who speaks in English while wandering through catalan streets. Great. I guess it's not what you would call normal... but still I need to do it. So the only way to look less weird when doing it is having my iPod on.

But actually the real topic of this post is xmas shopping. My f****ing xmas shopping. I hated it. There's nothing worse than having to buy your own presents. Seriously. Specially when you've to buy them because your family is like "if we buy them you're not gonna like them" WTF? I mean, they're supposed to see me every day. They should know what I like. Honestly how many of you could not thing about a single thing someone of its family would like? I even told them what I wanted, but still I had to go and buy the f****ing xmas presents. Finally I got them... it is so difficult to buy a sweater, a pair of globes and a cap?

Still at least I got to see a cute guy today, and believe me it's not so easy. It made me think that I'll never get a real boyfriend, just because the guys I like are the ones that pass by or that I know for so short that I don't really know if they're jerks or not. Which I guess that they mainly are. But the point is that I see a guy I think he's cute and BOOM he's gone. It's kinda funny actually.

Final point: I hate Xmas... have fun!


Spoiling myself

Avui he aprofitat que havia baixat a Barcelona per anar a comprar-me un "capritx" que deu fer prop d'un mes que tinc. Els que em coneixen ja saben les meves obsesions. Concretament aquesta obsessió:

Mando Diao - Above and Beyond

Com ja he dit potser fa un mes que el volia comprar tot i que em feia por sobretot pel tema MTV, però realment és magnífic (gràcies a Spotify per a deixar-me escoltar el CD abans de comprar-lo). Però el millor és això:

Exactament doble CD. En principi aquesta edició limitada només estava disponible a Alemanya, però gràcies als senyors del Corte Inglés també el tenim aquí i només puc dir una cosa: correu a comprar-lo abans que es quedin sense.

El CD és genial, imagineu el millor de Mando Diao, ara imagineu-ho acustic, com per exemple Dance With Somebody que realment sembla una cançó nova, però no us treuré la diversió de descobrir-ho per vosaltres mateixos. D'altra banda sentir els comentaris en directe entre en Björn i en Gustaf no té preu. L'únic que retreuria és el packaging, que és de cartró... però ho compensa el llibret de fotos que hi ha a l'interior ;). Si mai heu decidit que un dia seguirieu els meus consells, ara és el moment.


Tabac. Fum. Asma.

Tinc ganes que entri en funcionament la nova llei del tabac. O com es digui quan les lleis comencen a aplicar-se. Moltes ganes.

Mai he estat fumadora, però tampoc no he estat mai una antifumadora recalcitrant, és clar que a vegades em molestava el fum, però no em feia res si hi havia algú fumant al meu costat. Obviàment la meva idea del millor que podia fer l'últim dia de la meva vida no corresponia amb estar tancada en una sala plena de fum, però si s'havia de fer es feia. Sí, tot això en passat. Actualment no puc suportar ni sols una sola persona fumant a prop meu a l'aire lliure, almenys no sense tossir. Per que pel que sembla tinc asma d'esforç, tot i que jo en diria més aviat d'esforç, de fred i de fum.

Per això m'agradaria demanar des d'aquí que si en algun lloc està prohibit fumar no es fumi, per que estic farta d'anar a discoteques que tenen sales on no es pot fumar i trobar-me gent fumant, que sí que és poca, però jo de seguida ho noto coi! Que no costa res anar al lloc habilitat per més que sembli que una sola persona fumant-se un piti en un lloc tant gran no fa mal a ningú, per que a mi sí que em fa mal!