
Spanish politics

This Sunday it's general elections day in Spain and I still don't know which party I am going to vote.

I've been kinda apolitical lately mainly because I don't trust politics anymore. This is because there are two main parties in Spain, one is "left" winged (PSOE, the one that is in the government now) and the other is right winged (PP, the one that has more probabilities of winning the elections). As I have said already in this blog, I live in Catalunya which means that if PP wins we get less things and our privileges are cut down, but anyways PSOE has usually promised a lot but done much less, I understand that you cannot always do what you want when you're in the government but electoral promises make me sick.

Why is that? Easy, most of the parties spend the months previous to the elections day promising lots of things that they know they'll never be able to fulfill, like now when all of them seem to have the solution for the crisis, but none of them did propose it when they were able to do something. Also I'm not interested in politics anymore because they keep fighting about stupid things and about important things instead of agreeing in important things that are meant to help the country.

Finally I don't like politicians because when I see them I cannot see their connection with me, like seriously most of the politicians in the parliament wouldn't even be able to read this, they need translators for everything, and still they get to represent me: a PhD student who speaks 4 languages. In real life if you don't know at least English you won't get a job, and yet they're there getting paid with our money when some are under-qualified for the job.

All this doesn't mean that I won't vote, on Sunday I'll go to the polling station and I'll vote for some party, I still don't know which, but I hope that, whichever it is, it will give solutions instead of problems.

1 comment:

  1. doncs ja veus què va passar... amb la majoria absoluta el nostre amic Mierdano....
    Saps que la solució és marxar ben lluny d'aquest país...!
