

As I stated in several post already I'm an atheist, but I've haven't been one for all my life. I was raised as a catholic, my family is not the kind of family that goes to church every sunday, but mum believes in god though dad is an skeptic (he never said he didn't believe in god either he said he believed in it, and he's strongly against religion), I guess that since the only "kids club" (I don't really know how to say that...) was the one that was organized by the church I somehow ended up in there, singing church songs and all these things ending eventually in taking the first communion, but I don't know if this was because I really believed in it or because of the presents you got and the princess dress I would wear on that day.

After that I spent some idle time, well I mean idle regarding religion I was 9 nothing is idle at that time, and eventually realized that there were too many wrong things in the world for a god to exist so I guess that was the start of my atheism, though I'd never heard of the concept so it was just something unnamed. At some point I actually thought that buddhism was a better option than catholicism. Then there was a time I had a couple of religious weddings and while sitting in there listening at the priest I just couldn't believe all that. So I guess that I first acknowledged myself as being an atheist when I was 15. And since I've always been keen on Science I thought it was impossible to believe in something superior while studying life, evidence has always been stronger than faith for me.

I am lucky, I've never had any problem for being an atheist, actually there are plenty of atheists in here though there is some religious people in here. Actually, some of my distant relatives are really religious, though is usually only during "special" occasions, and I don't think they know I'm an atheist since we hardly ever see each other. Anyways as I said no one points at you on the street if they know you're an atheist, it's just not a big deal, that's why I'm surprised that in some places atheists are treated as if they were scum, as if they were inmoral people or worse. I've never treated religious people like this, I mean sometimes over religious people, like the ones that thinks god is going to solve all their problems or the ones that are always quoting the bible get me on my nerves, but I never go to them and tell them they're crap or that they should never ever have kids, of course I think that what they believe on is wrong but not for that I point at them on the street.

I know I cannot convince anyone of becoming an atheist, everyone has to become one for itself. For the same reason no one should try to convert an atheist.

1 comment:

  1. "...or the ones that are always quoting the bible get me on my nerves..." +1... xD
