
The pope is coming... again

Last year I wrote a post because the pope was coming to Barcelona, unfortunately it is in Catalan, so I guess most of you wouldn't understand it. This year the pope is coming again, this time to Madrid.

I don't know why he's coming and I couldn't care less, but today on the news they were saying that to accomodate the people who's going to see him they are using public equipment and they are not paying for it. Let's make something clear, Spain is supposed to be a non religious country, therefore there shouldn't be benefits for one religion and none for the others or for non religious people, if I want to go to a evolutionist fair I will have to pay for it myself, the state won't pay for it, then why if these people want to go to see the pope we have to pay for it?

Moreover, it is said that the whole thing is going to cost 50 million €, that's a lot of money. So aren't catholics so giving and everything they say that make them better persons? Why don't they give all this money to charity? Why does the pope need all this security and all that gold in everything he uses? I mean I'm not going to go where he is and punch him on the face, if he wants to believe in god and all this is okay to me, but I think that there's no need of spending so much money on believing in something and there's no need for everyone in the country to pay for it, even if they say that it's only money from the believers every year the church gets money from the government, and the government gets money from the people and most of the people just don't care about what the church says.

I'm positive that there's some of this people who work in charities and everything, but still the Catholic church makes enormous amounts of money that they are not using to feed the poor or all these things they are so proud they do with a small amount of the money they get. Seriously to talk about a religion do you really need to live in a palace?

I guess I'm biased in here, but it makes me angry to see how they are spending so much money in something now that there is economic crisis, of course you could tell me that we could say the same about concerts and festivals, but these things generate benefits as people pays to go and pays for a place to sleep. I don't know I guess I have to stop watching the news...

1 comment:

  1. a més a més... que és el que dius, dormen en espais públics... a ells no els desallotjaran pas, oi?
    i una altra cosa, oi que deixen fer la missa al carrer i que la gent fagi activitats als espais públics? i com és que als musulmans de lleida no els deixen estar ala carrer resant?

    està claríssim que en el fons, l'església és més poder polític que una altra cosa... tristíssim
