
A Story A Day. Story 160 of 365: Wrong.

Daryl had lived all his life in a small farming town, where everyone had large families, cousins tended to marry each other, and divorcing was the biggest sin there could be. He had been told, since he was old enough to care about girls, that he needed to find a good woman, marry her, and start his own family. He had always been okay with it, he liked girls well enough. 

When he was old enough to go to university, he decided to move across the country, in a much more liberal city by the ocean. It was a relaxed environment, with lots of things to discover. The one that shocked him the most, however, was the huge variety of families there seemed to be: single moms or dads, same sex couples, people who had married several times, and even people who were living in poliamorous relationships. He wondered, if those had been an option all the time, why no one had ever told him about them? 

The more time he spent in the university, the more he saw his parents and neighbor's views were wrong. Daryl could barely believe how narrow his world had been. He wondered what would his family say when he told them he was bisexual. 

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