
100 days in the office

The 100th day of a new government is always seen as a point when it has shown what it will be doing for the next, almost, 4 years. Tomorrow is this date for the new catalan government, and as usual everyone started evaluating.

I've been thinking about it lately, but I don't want to criticize anything or anyone, I've just been thinking about how naïve all the politicians seem to be, always saying that they could do much better if they were on the government, but actually being there is a much more difficult thing. Reason being that now you're in charge and anything that goes wrong is your fault and you cannot blame anybody, you could blame the previous administration, but still would it be worth it? Moreover there are lots of problems to solve for sure you'll need to implement some unpopular measures, or maybe you're lucky enough and the country is on a good season and you don't have lots of work to do. But if you know how the economic situation in Spain is right now you know it is not the case.

It has to be really difficult being in charge of the country nowadays, you need to solve lots of problems and at the same time because of the measures you're creating new problems that you'll have to solve eventually. I guess that most of the presidents are just hoping for the economic crisis to end so they can put their country in order.

By the way, I'm curious about the way the Spanish crisis is seen from other countries, so if you happen to read everything to this point and are eager to answer just hit the comments section (I read other countries newspapers -mainly American- but I don't have as much time as I would like to have). Thanks! 

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