I'm quite a pro on ruining relationships even before they started, so if you don't want to get a boyfriend you'll need just to follow this simple steps.
1) Be a dick (girls can be dicks too right?). Everyone told me that to get a boyfriend I just needed to be myself, but it turns out that I'm a complete jerk, I can't stand people in general and boys that insist on me liking them in particular (not that it happened a lot actually).
2) Be yourself. Like all the times, even in occasions when you wouldn't be yourself. If you're stupid be stupid all the times, EVERY TIME, EVERYWHERE.
3) Don't take care of yourself. Don't go to the gym, don't go on diets, don't care about what you wear (buy the first thing you see on the shop whether if it fits you or not).
4) Don't wear make up and if you do wear way too much.
5) Be too late or too early, if you're too early you'll be able to brag about it, if you're too late you'll show that you have better things to do.
6) If you go out with a boy always decide what you're going to do or never do it.
7) Tell the boy who likes you about your male friends and how funny they're or how good they're at something.
8) Go everywhere with boys (regular friends): partying, dinning, etc.
9) Meet a boy you cannot go out with and idealize him making other guys look like nothing in comparison.
10) Look at every guy as if they weren't worth the effort (I guess this is related to #1)
Well this is my guide on how not to get a boyfriend (and this is the result of a week with a stiff neck)
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