
The Kingkiller Chronicle - Patrick Rothfuss

This is the first time I'm going to talk about specific books in this blog, I cannot believe I've never done it before. Actually I wanted to write an e-mail to Pat telling him everything I'm going to write in here, but he says in his website that he's busy writing and I really need another one of his books (I would say to keep living but that's too dramatic). But let's begin from the start.

I came across The Name of The Wind almost two years ago thanks to my mom as she gave it to me as a birthday present, and it was completely unexpected. I'll explain myself, my mom and I don't share much, she's more fond of psychological books and all this stuff and I'm into fantasy and science fiction. So when she gave me the book I didn't know what to expect, sure the critics were great and everything, but still I thought that maybe she grabbed the first book she saw without even looking at it. I loved it. Really, I kept reading it, I don't know how long it took to me to read it, but being in Spanish as it was I guess that 3 days at most. When I finished I was sad because I didn't know when the next one would come out. Still I was lucky because I didn't have to wait much.

The Wise Man's Fear came out this year, I bought it via Amazon on the same day and I got it home in 3 days. This time it was in English, the language of its origin. Believe me if you happen to know the language in which a book is written go for it, lots of things got lost in translation. This time it took me 4 and a half days, and believe me its a thick book, I read on the train, on the metro, while walking, while cooking, I couldn't take my eyes of it. And as The Name of The Wind it left me wanting more and more and mourning because there will only be 3 of them, because I won't have any more Kvothe after the third book.

I'm currently rereading The Wise Man's Fear, it is the second time I read it and I still laugh when there are funny things, I still gasp, I still get sad, I still think that I should warn Kvothe about the things he shouldn't do, but I know these things have to happen because otherwise it wouldn't be the same book.

Also, there is one thing that native English speakers do naturally, without thinking, which is a lot of expressions which us, poor English students, do not get across with unless we are reading in English and even then. I thank Pat for all these expressions I came to know while reading The Wise Man's Fear, I decided that I'll buy The Name of The Wind in English to so I can practise.

There's one last thing that I came to realize after reading these books and its... I love redheads and I'm dammed because there aren't many here in Spain, I keep looking for someone with flame in his head and I blame Pat and Kvothe for this one!

Thinking about what I've written so far I feel that I've been a bit sloppy and that I wouldn't earn a good mark for it at English class, but since it is not English class... I'll keep it as it is.

So as an ending I just want to say that if you haven't read these books go to your bookstore and get them (there should be emergency bookstores)... and if you're Pat... Hi Pat! I'm flattered to see you in here! (Though I don't think he'll come 'round being busy as he is).

Remember: The Kingkiller Chronicle: Day One The Name of The Wind  and The Kingkiller Chronicle: Day Two The Wise Man's Fear  

1 comment:

  1. me'ls apunto, tot i que tinc una llarga llista.
    i per cert, perquè no li deixes el teu link al seu blog o alguna cosa així? :)

    espero que vagi tot molt bé! aviam si parlem aviat qu se't troba a faltar! mua!
