
Things that are important and things that may not be

I guess that most of you don't know which is the situation here in Catalonia, you might know that in Spain is not looking good, but you might not have info from Catalonia. Well the fact is that since there is no money the government is doing budget cuts to some areas: culture, health and education. Yeah I'm right, health and education. This means that there are less beds per hospital, less staff, less surgeries being performed and actually some hospitals are getting closed, sure as you read it, we have right now less doctors per habitant. It looks crazy and it is.

On the other hand there is some kind of fashion convention going on in Barcelona right now and the government says they're going to support them... I don't know if they'll get money, but the idea is to make Barcelona a reference on fashion.

I don't know if you can see where the problem is, but mainly if the health assistance is not good enough more people will be sick (and I have to say that catalan health system was regarded as one of the best), if people is sick they won't be able to work, if people is not able to work they won't be able to buy fashion among other things. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that fashion is not important, though most of the people who know me would say I'm not a fashionista, but I'm saying that I'd rather have the reference in medicine that the reference in fashion as capital.

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