

Last weekend there was the last bullfight ever in Catalunya. This means no more toreros and no more bull slaughtered while people is watching and cheering for it to die. But it also meant controversy.

Why is that? If you've followed my blog you already know that we, Catalans, are a bit different from Spaniards, we have our own language and our own culture as well as our own government (which has existed since middle ages). Bullfighting is something that is deeply related with Spanish traditions and a think that we don't see as our own, also it is barbaric, they torture the poor animal for a long time before they get to kill him. The controversy comes because there is some people that believe that the ban is because of national identity reasons instead of animal rights reasons.

Let's make it clear I do feel Catalan, but the reason why I don't like bullfighting and I wanted it banned is because it is unethical and cruel and it cannot be called culture in any way. I don't care if it is a Spanish or a Catalan tradition, I just don't like to see how people kill animals that way just for "fun".


  1. Yes you are right, Bullfighting is barbaric.
    And with more people like you speaking up, it won't go another Generation.
    Cool I took u to 6 members. Please join me back.

  2. Happy to hear it has been banned, also interesting to learn of the possible reasons for the ban.
