
I'm getting grumpier every day

This weekend I went out with some friends to a place that wants to be kinda posh but actually everyone who goes there is just a rich wannabe. The place itself is not bad, but going there made me realize that I'm grumpy and I talk like my grandma in a way.

I was looking at people dancing at songs that I didn't even recognize and that sounded the same to me, and this made me think. I didn't know if the songs were bad because the music is crappier every day or its just my perception that has changed. The fact is that I was there complaining about how crappy the music was and how music used to be much better and I'm not talking about music from when I was younger (holy crap I'm 23 and I'm already speaking of a younger me?) I'm talking about music that was being played before I was even born (I'm waiting for Hunting High and Low to get home any day this week).

I don't know it's kinda depressing that I'm talking on this terms when I'm still young, apart from the fact that I can no longer stand going partying two days in a row or that I never go out on Fridays any more because I've worked all week and then I've got English class on Friday afternoon. Plus as I said I'm getting grumpier every day, I'm grumpy because the train runs late, because people plays music on the train or they talk way too loud, or a hundred of silly things... I'm not getting old gracefully, though I hope it's just a period of my life that I need to adjust to, otherwise no one will be able to stand me when I'm younger than 40!

1 comment:

  1. senyoreta! no és que siguis grumpy, sino que la gnt d'aquest país no es comporta, que és diferent. Bueno, d'aquest país i en general... així van les coses. A mí tmb em passa això de què a vegades em sento "vella" o "antiquada" o no sé com dir-ho i ja veus quina edat tenim... no pateixis... no ets tú, és aquest país de merda.

    per cert... m'ha costat entendre't una mica avui eh! xD
