
"La Marató" much more than it looks like

Today I want to write about something that I doubt you've heard of before (unless you live in Spain). Each year TV3 (which is the Catalan TV) airs "La Marató" which is a TV program with the aim to raise money for research.

You may think that you've already heard of something like it, but I doubt you have. This edition, which will raise money for research on transplants and tissue regeneration, will be the 20th. Last year they raised almost 9 million €. This year they're hoping for more, and I can tell you all this money does go to research and since research is global all the world is getting benefits from "La Marató". Incidentally, everyone can donate too via internet, and in Catalunya also you can also buy a special CD and a book.

As I said this year the money will go to transplants and tissue regeneration research. Catalunya is one of the places where more transplants are performed and our hospitals are also pioneers in new transplant techniques, but all this progress is endangered because of the cuts in health budget that are being done by the government, so getting fundings is vital and I'm not saying it to you as a scientist but as someone who sees transplants as something really important.

I have the impression that I haven't explained myself, but I can tell you that thanks to the money that has been raised in previous editions lots of research has been done. So if you feel like and you want to help you can donate on the link in the start of the post.

1 comment:

  1. és difícil d'explicar Laura, la cosa és que crec que s'ha de viure una mica per saber de què va.... perquè fixa't, que jo anava a organitzar una cosa de break per la marató i el noi que em volia ajudar (que després va acaparar el projecte i al final no va fer res... tema a part) no n'havia sentit mai a parlar... i és d'aquí!!! mare meva...!

    Per cert, tmb es poden fer donacions via caixers de la caixa, de fet super facil perquà a sota d'on diu "treure diners" apareix el botó de les donacions! :)
