
Self esteem

I've always have problems with my self esteem, usually it was because I didn't consider that anyone could be attracted to me physically because I didn't like my body, now that I've lost weight and I think I look much better (before anyone starts telling me that being skinny doesn't mean being pretty, I was clinically overweight so I just lost enough weight as to have a healthy BMI), I still have issues. Sometimes when I like a guy I keep thinking why should he like me and I end up thinking there are no reasons at all.

But that's finished, I might have bad things but I think I'm also funny and smart, and I can talk about hundreds of different topics: science, sports, books, music. I can be sarcastic but I can also be sweet. I'm the girl lots of parents would like for their sons. I know how to act in each situation. I'm shy but also friendly. I smile a lot. That's it I smile a lot. I don't ask lots of questions. I'm a good cook. I'm a scientist, a neuroscientist. I don't need to talk much. I've got an expressive face. I like to read. I know different languages. I like travelling and getting lost and not knowing where I am, why I am there. I like adventure. I don't mind not going to fancy restaurants if there's something better to do. Also I guess I have something that is physically attractive too.

I guess I might not be the perfect girl for some guys, not so for some others. But I do have good things and that what I need to focus on.

1 comment:

  1. Si tens clar que somnrius molt... ja ho tens clar tot, el somriure és una arma perfecte! I si a sobre ets intel·ligent.... ho tens tot!! És en això que t'has de focalitzar ;)
