I also want to disclose that I did last year's resolutions after spending some days at the beach in Mexico, so I was probably biased. Anyway, here's what I said I would do, and the comments in italics.
1. Have New Year's resolutions. (That one was easy, I can feel I'm taking off already.)
Well, I did it, didn't I? At least I can say I fulfilled one of them.
2. Be more patient. (I can't promise anything, my patience tends to be limited.)
That was a dream I had when I was young and naïve, I'll never ever be more patient.
3. Take things more calmly. (Instead of stressing out at every little thing that happens to me.)
3. Take things more calmly. (Instead of stressing out at every little thing that happens to me.)
Surprisingly, this one worked for a while, like as far as March or April, probably.
4. Stop overthinking. (For example, when it comes to men, SPECIALLY when it comes to men.)
4. Stop overthinking. (For example, when it comes to men, SPECIALLY when it comes to men.)
5. Let things flow. (Related to 2, 3 and 4 above.)
5. Let things flow. (Related to 2, 3 and 4 above.)
Do I really need to evaluate that?
6. Get out of my comfort zone more often. (Like doing things that make me interact with people I don't know. Also, get rid of this shyness.)
6. Get out of my comfort zone more often. (Like doing things that make me interact with people I don't know. Also, get rid of this shyness.)
Yay! One I've done! Kind of.
7. Meet more people. (Related to 6, and also related to everything I've been doing here in Mexico.)
I've got this. Done, done, done! And maybe the best part was meeting people for short periods of time and have them have a huge impact on your life, well done, me.
8. Train more. (Some days ago I said I want to train for a triathlon, and I will.)
8. Train more. (Some days ago I said I want to train for a triathlon, and I will.)
I'm proud to announce that I also have done that. Hell, I hadn't swam in 10 years or so and I've more than 200km under my belt this year.
9. Write more often. (As often as once a day, even if it is only a paragraph, or a short story, or a whole chapter of a new book.)
9. Write more often. (As often as once a day, even if it is only a paragraph, or a short story, or a whole chapter of a new book.)
I will never promise this again, because my brain forces me to do it, and as everyone knows my brain is a jerk. You can see the results on this blog under the label "A Story A Day".
10. Go to more concerts. (One of the pleasures of life: live music. Also, the first concert I'm going to go is Frank Turner's so everyone wins.)
I'm poor and I couldn't go to many concerts. Frank was fucking awesome, though.
11. Sing more often. (Not only at open mics, but at home when I'm alone.)
11. Sing more often. (Not only at open mics, but at home when I'm alone.)
I haven't done a single Open Mic this year, but I've been rehearsing, and I joined the choir at work, so that's something.
12. Read more. (I used to read a lot, but right now I'm usually too tired to do it.)
12. Read more. (I used to read a lot, but right now I'm usually too tired to do it.)
I've failed miserably because I was too busy writing a bloody story every day.
13. Be less messy. (That's not happening, I don't even know why I wrote it in here.)
13. Be less messy. (That's not happening, I don't even know why I wrote it in here.)
Seriously, why did I even write it?
The total count is 6 out of 13, which means I failed at New Year's resolutions, which is not actually a surprise because most of those resolutions sucked. As I said, I was young and naïve and thought it's easy to change yourself. I've learnt the lesson and done a whole new list of resolutions for 2015.
1. Make reasonable New Year's resolutions.
2. Edit "Dream On" to the point it is publishable (For those of you who don't know it, "Dream On" is the name of my first novel).
3. Finish "Best", and do something decent out of it (You can read the first draft on this blog, it's the short story that has been developing since December the 1st).
4. Enter some kind of sporting event (If it's possible at least one for each of the sports I regularly practice and/or a triathlon).
5. Read more (I won't give up).
6. Sing solo again in front of public (Just because I'm a contralto it doesn't mean I can't do it).
7. Enjoy more my friends.
8. Care less about what other people say (If I'm warm and I need to wear sandals, I'm not going to care about them dressing as if they were going to Siberia).
9. Explore more (Not necessarily out of the country, but at every opportunity I have).
I think that's pretty much it. I could promise to give up swearing, but that's too much fucking effort, and I said I'd make resolutions I can keep.
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