
e-books and I aren't made for each other

My mom got an e-book not long ago and, since she's not using it right now, I've been using it lately. When I say lately it's a few days short of a week. And from my experience I can say that it's not my favorite piece of technology, sure it's good to have hundreds of books in a tiny gadget, but you can only read one book at a time, so what's the point on having all those books at your fingertips?

Let me explain myself, I know that many of you like your e-books and you will tell me that I'll get used to it, eventually I will but it's not the same. I love going book-shopping somedays I just go into the bookshop and look at all those books imagining what will be inside of them, most of those days I just don't buy anything but the days I do I just can't wait to start it. And then the smell of a new book and the sound while passing the new pages, it's one of the best things there are in the world. Also, if you're using a normal book other people can see what you're reading and you can see what other people is reading which is kinda difficult with an e-book. And finally reading on an e-book is much more slower!

I think that as soon as I'm done with a couple of books I've got in there I'll go back to average books (I miss them already)

1 comment:

  1. jajajaja vaya tela. entenc el teu punt de vista però a mi em resulta molt més pràctic. i més que res que ara m'estic llegint 3 llibres a la vegada, un de "normal" i dos a l'ebook.... xD
    una cosa que m'agrada dels ebooks és que si fa sol no et reflexa la llum al paper i pots llegir estant prenent el sol sense problemes.
