I guess that right now most of you already know what's going on in Spain, maybe there is people camped in your city claiming for a real democracy. It's a historic moment and I very proud of being a little part of it. I still haven't been to Barcelona in Plaça Catalunya camp, I wanted to go this afternoon, but maybe instead I'll be going to the one in the city close to my town. Anyways I wanted to explain a bit what's it all about.
As you know Spain has some difficulties in getting out of the economic crisis and some of its politicians aren't, how can I say that, completely honest, also lots of youngsters who have just finished their degree cannot find a job. The general feeling is that only the working class is paying for the crisis since all the former ministers are getting their "retirement" pays and the active ones keep getting the same money for the same job even if they don't go to the parliament half of the days they ought to.
So on May 15 there were demonstrations against the political system which tends to favor the biggest parties and against the corruption, this demonstrations ended as a camp in Puerta del Sol in Madrid, and then in Barcelona and shortly after in many other cities in Spain, and then in other countries.
And what are they asking for? Mainly a change in the politic system making sure that politics work for the people and not the other way round, also a change on work conditions so more work places are created, better conditions to rent/buy a flat, better and more efficient public services (health, education), more control on banks and finances (I guess that's straight from Iceland) and more things that you can find in here, I can't get in the English Manifesto but it ought be working.
As I said I'm really proud this started in here, I used to complain because no one asked for their rights, but now seeing this and the magnitude it has got... I feel proud and I'll be going this afternoon to give support to the people who is going to stay in Granollers.
Here you can see a world map of the camps... http://pastebin.com/wEthj72Z
So the only thing I can add now is: #spanishrevolution #yeswecamp
el que em sembla trist és que tanta reflexió no ha fet reflexionar a la gent... i mira què passa que PxC ha aparegut en moltíssims pobles i la dreta s'ha reforçat considerablement.... lamentable...!