In June, in Spain, there's this tradition of going to celebrate the summer solstice in the beach (and get into the water), so some friends and I went to a beach close to were we live so we could have dinner. The first thing I did when we got there was take off my shoes walk on the sand and get to the shore so I could feel the cool water while staring at the sea. After dinner I decided to get into the water (only one of my friends was brave enough to come with me) and I just stayed there feeling the sea, the peacefulness, but my friends where impatient because I was not with them so I had to go back. After a while, when I was fully dressed, and because I needed it, I sat on the shore, watching the waves form sea foam, I don't know how long did I stay like that, but again, my friends were wondering what was I doing.
I think I can't be the only person in the world who feels safer and calmer inside the sea. It helps me quiet my mind, relax and become more creative, but for that I need to be alone in a silent environment where the only thing I can hear is the sea.
T'entenc perfectament... em passa el mateix. Pero jo el que necessito per estar completament relaxada es ficar el cap sota l'aigua i veure què s'hi cou. I com vegi un peix allà menjant m'hi passaria hores mirant-lo, escoltant de lluny les onades i d'aprop com respiro amb l'snorkel