

Darkness and silence surrounded him. He had just woken up and didn't know where he was; he had taken the metro earlier that day and he was clearly still sitting on the hard seat. He must had fallen asleep, but how come no one woke him up? He reached for his mobile phone inside his backpack, to have a source of light. After some fumbling, he found it, the screen lit up showing the time. It was almost 3 am. He turned on the flashlight but it was pitch-dark both inside the wagon and outside. He walked up to the front wagon, hoping to find an open door. It soon became clear that he was locked in and his phone had no signal. He dialled 911, but no even that worked. He was trapped. 

He forced himself to calm down. The service would resume in a couple of hours and then someone would let him out. It was only a matter of time. He made himself comfortable laying on the metro seats and fell back to sleep. 

A noise woke him up, how long had he been asleep? It was still dark, therefore it could not have been too long. He checked his phone, and was surprised to see that it was still the same time as when he had last checked it. It couldn't be. Maybe it was broken, he thought as he stared at it waiting for the number to change to no avail. It didn't matter, anyway, soon someone would go rescue him. He heard the noise again. It sounded as if someone were trying to open one of the doors. 

-Here! I'm here!- he shouted. 

No one replied, but one of the doors opened. Thousands of tiny paws scratched the floor of the wagon. He turned on the flashlight again just in time to see a wave of rats fall on him. 

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