

I'm a dreamer, well not like a daydreamer it's just that I tend to dream at night. I have freakingly insane real dreams. Dreams that show me what I want, that are so real that I don't know if I dreamt them or if it actually happened. I've been dreaming more usually lately, I don't know why but I dream almost every night. Sometimes is a weird dream, sometimes is something that could actually happen. And always, or almost always, I can remember most of the things that happened and some strange details, mostly flavors. I guess I'm not the only one, but I definitely am the only one I know.


  1. Jo també somnio molt sovint i ho recordo tot. A vegades em passa que si no ho apunto durant el matí, si no m'ha impactat massa a la nit ja no recordo res... xD

  2. That's not actually true... there are 4 stages of sleep, you only dream on REM sleep which is the lighter one, but since u go through REM sleep more than once a night I cannot remember which is the one you're supposed to remember
