
1Q84 - Haruki Murakami: Review

A couple of weeks ago I promised to write a review about a book, fact is I was reading A Song Of Ice And Fire so I kinda forgot about it, but since I'm back (and sad because I'll have to wait to know what happens next) I feel ready to write this review.

I know I said it was going to be one book, but it's going to be two. As you can see from the picture I didn't read them in English but rather in Catalan (for those who don't recognize what "Llibre" means it means book). I got 1Q84 Books 1 and 2 last year for Sant Jordi which happens to be the International Book Day, and 1Q84 Book 3 for Christmas (most of my presents this year for Christmas have been books).

So let's talk about the books. First I feel the need to say that there are different kinds of Murakami's readers, there are the die-hard fans who love almost everything that he writes (that would be me), then there are the ones who enjoy more realistic books like "Tokyo Blues", "South of the Border, West of the Sun" or "Sputnik Sweetheart", then there are the ones that prefer "Kafka in the shore" or "1Q84" and finally the ones that love "Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World" being as crazy as it is. If you've never read Murakami I don't really know where you should start, but I started with "Kafka in the shore"and it remains one of my favorite.

1Q84, as I said, would sit in the middle of realistic novels and crazy stories. It contains the stories of a girl and a boy: Aomame and Tengo, who have really different lifestyles but that are actually connected in a way none of them could have thought. The first book, or as I should say "Book 1 and 2" happen in two different worlds, in the third one both Aomame and Tengo are in the same one searching one another.

I really liked this books for various reasons, as usual Murakami's characters got something special, none of them is perfect they have really complex personalities and reasons to do what they do, also the more fantastic part tends to be wicked but it is completely blended with the more rational part to a point you cannot tell which is which. Also, if you've ever read Murakami I guess you'll agree with me, the dialogues are gold, specially the ones that involve Fukaeri. And just everything happens for a reason, even the smallest thing it has a connection with the story, it's not insignificant.

I've been trying to find some "negative" aspects of this book, but I couldn't it doesn't mean it doesn't have any but rather that since I'm such a Murakami's fan I cannot find a flaw on his books.

I encourage you all to read these books even if you've never read Murakami before, I think it would be a great start.

1 comment:

  1. Ostres... ara m'han entrat moltes ganes de llegir Murakami!
    Ja fa temps que vaig llegir el de la Crónica del Pájaroque daba cuerda al Mundo i tinc mono... però entre la feina del màster i que tinc llibres abans que vull llegir... bufff!

    A més, no sé tu, però jo per llegir Murakami crec que necessito un tipus d'estat d'ànim, com de calma, com no sé... haig de poder estar pendent de tots els petits detalls del text; o sigui que cansada no el puc llegir.

    Ais... aviam si haviam puc llegir alguna cosa!
