
Jeanne Leclerc, secretary

The Monday I started working at Rémi’s company, I woke up at an hour that usually caught me still awake and got dressed in the clothes Léa had sent me. Clothes that were much more modest than I used to wear. I skipped my makeup and did my hair in a ponytail. From that day on I was Jeanne, not myself, and Jeanne was naive and shy. I got out of the house and into the metro, which was crowded. The ride to La Défense was a long one and most of the people on the metro were dressed in office wear. I got out of the metro just under the Arc de la Défense and headed to the office. 

I had been assigned as the secretary of one of the operational officers, so I knew that sooner or later I would come in contact with Rémi, at least according to Léa’s information. And indeed, it was much sooner than I expected, as he appeared just after lunchtime with one excuse or another. He walked straight to my desk to introduce himself. 

“Bonjour, Madame Leclerc, it is a pleasure to have you in my company.” He said, holding his hand out for a handshake. 

“Mademoiselle, Monsieur Tremblay.” I corrected him, making sure that he knew my civil status, not that it would have mattered much to him anyway.

“I expect that you have an excellent time in my company, Mademoiselle Leclerc, and do not hesitate to come talk to me should you need anything.” 

He returned from where he had come not even pretending that there had been someone else he had needed to talk to. Seeing him walk away, I could feel the hate boiling up inside me. 

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