

I've been thinking a lot these days, thinking abaout the future, thinking about the past, just thinking. The fact is that this period alone in Montréal has changed the way I see life in many ways. We could say that it changed my perspective of love, my perspective of what is correct and what a promise is, and it changed the way I see my future. I remember that on my first year at university I was sure that I would give my life to medical research, but time changes prespectives (I should stop using words so hard to write... took me 5 minutes to write it correctly) and then I started thinking if it was worth it, I thought that I needed more time for my own, and I was pretty sure that I couldn't handle it. Now, after coming back, after everything I don't know what to do, a part of me says "Go on! Go UK and get this f***ing PhD!" and another keeps thinking "rationally" and tells me to wait, to think about it, and to stay here and wait 'til next Autunm to come. So everything's a mess actually and I don't know what to do. It's not that I'm lost, is that both paths lead to different lives and I dunno which to take. Again. It's a bit the never-ending story, so I'm trapped in a kinda vicious circle. Just need more time to think, and time doesn't help.

P.D.: My two reader might wonder why I keep writing in English. Dunno, I just feel like, so I'm practising too, right? It's not that bad, is it?

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