
A week (Open Letter)

It's been a week since I last cried, since I last talked to you.
It's been a week since I left Montréal and I've got the feeling that I should never have left.
It's been a week since I was packing at home wanting to cry so madly that tears wouldn't come out.
It's been a week since I took that cab to the airport 3 hours before my flight time, just to catch you at the airport.
It's been a week since I was stuck at that cab, wondering how long would it take to get to the airport, crying for everything I was leaving.
It's been a week since my life started to be like an American Movie, just like Black Room's song When I Return To The World.
It's been a week since I saw you getting the boarding area while I was carring all my luggage, and I stopped thinking and stared at you without knowing what to do, wanting to cry your name out loud, wanting to run and stop you.
It's been a week since I went to the drop off zone trembling and almost crying again.
It's been a week since I almost ran to get to the boarding area wondering where would you be.
It's been a week since I crossed almost half of the airport just looking for you.
It's been a week since I saw you "sitting" on the chair, talking to your phone and finally smiling at me.
It's been a week since I was talking to you, since you were singing as you do just because it comes to your mind, since you were telling me that you play the piano, since I was discovering a bit more of you.
It's been a week since you got into that plane.
It's been a week since I was alone at the airport, waiting for my plane.
It's been a week since I said goodbye and see you soon to Montréal.
It's been a week since I started crying on the plane and I couldn't stop, since I was crying for an hour.
It's been a week since I decided that I needed to see you again, at least just once more, even if I felt so bad when you left.
It's been a week since I realised that I needed you.
It's been a short week but at the same time I feel like if all this happened long time ago, maybe because sometimes I feel like if you were right by my side, maybe because I know we will meet again, sometime, somewhere, I just wish it's not too late.


  1. And now I can say that I haven't cried, not since last week, not even if I was listening to you, even if it was not you, even if it was you long time ago. I haven't cried even if I was remembering, even if it hurts. I haven't cried because that's not a goodbye, just a see you soon.

  2. uau Laura!

    ostres si ara que no estem al mateix país és difícil parlar! doncs no, no m'ha sagrestat per sort, més ben dit... últimament m'escapo molt del lab hahahaha aviat em renyaran....

    com va tot per allà?¿?¿?¿?¿
