These next three months are going to be an adventure, for work reasons I've to spend this period of time in Mexico City.
And it's going to be challenging, but it's going to be good for me (now if you've talked to me lately about this you can stop reading, you know what it's coming next).
First of all, it's going to be good for my work life, because I'm going to learn something new from scratch and it will also allow me to be imaginative and ingenious. I'll be relieved of much of the responsibility I've back home, so I guess I'll learn to relax (finally).
Secondly, I was enjoying myself very much back home, but I felt I was stuck. I wasn't going anywhere and there were some relationships that were becoming stale. This time should help myself get some perspective about everything, as well as to see whom I do really need and whom do really need me.
Third, I'll meet tons of new people and learn and see tons of new things, so this can't be bad at all.
I'll keep you posted!
No sé si hi podrás anar, o t'interessa o algo, però et recomano aquest lloc:
ReplyDeleteTinc molta curiositat per aquest lloc, i el biòleg que ho porta també és coacher de biòlegs perquè facin negoci en coses relacionades amb la biodiversitat i tal.
Per cert. Ves compartint al fb les teves entrades aquí que et llegiré!
Molt petons!