First of all, I had second thought about the title of this post, I mean, am I a writer? I reached the conclusion that I am, even if people make fun of you when you say you're one. So the next question is, with so many easy things to be in the world, why would you choose to be a writer? The answer is more complicated than it might seem.
First, for the delight of all those who know me, I'm a very versatile person. So, I'm a scientist who writes, or a writer who does science. Or basically someone who is so eager to die of starvation that choose two vocational careers that hardly ever land you any money (well big money). Also, I choose the two vocational careers more likely to drive me crazy. So I guess that I did it for craziness.
Secondly, I did it to avoid craziness. Yes, I know I just said the contrary. But everything has a reason. I've realized that if I don't write I get really really moody. If you've been reading my last stories you might have seen that they are quite... dark. Funny thing is that because of me writing those stories, my life is bright and easy. Writing decreases the burden of stress in my life.
Third, and last, I have no choice. It's not like someone is pushing me, but more like the stories spring in my brain and I need to release them by putting them on paper. That is how it all started, by me getting sentences inside my head that ended up developing in stories. For some time I thought that this only happened when I was in love, but I've finally realized that I just need to exercise my brain a bit and the stories appear out of thin air.
Now, I need the final step of it all, publish my novel, to share what I have written, and for personal recognition too. I mean, there is nothing wrong on wanting people to acknowledge your work, after all you suffered through it.
So, fellow writers, why are you writers?
I did a post on the same thing a few months ago. Here's what I came up with: