
Why do I write in English?

I don't know how evident it is, but, English is not my first language. I think it should be considered my third, but I consider it my second because I use it more than Spanish, although I could consider it my first because there are times I use it even more than Catalan. So, why would I decide to write in a language that is not really my own one?

I know I could do a quick Google search in here and add a paragraph on how other authors wrote in languages that were not their own, but I'm lazy and I do research on other topics for a living so I won't be looking for it. In my case, I started writing in Catalan, but as I became better at English (both grammar and vocabulary) I started using the language more and more. The next step was only logical, writing stories in English. At first, I did it as a practice, I was preparing for CPE exam and I wanted to write as much as I could. After that, well, I had already started, it was not like I could stop it. I also think that, writing in English, my stories can reach out to more people. I could write them in Catalan and potentiate my first language, but as much as I love it, I can't feel it for writing. I could also write in Spanish, yet, I have never felt it my own, not as much as I do with English.

Bottom line, I write in English because there is a special part inside my crazy brain that tells me it is okay to do so. And who am I to contradict my own brain?

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