
Going back in time

It's been a long time since I've written a post about Spanish politics. But since, maybe I'll never ever be able to complain about the government again (who knows? Wait for it), I've decided to write a new post about what has been going on.

If you are a post-WWII history enthusiast, I have good news for you, you won't need to go back in time to see if first-hand, you will only need to fly over to Spain. Reasons follow here:

1) The government is about to approve a new law regarding public safety. They are really worried about public safety apparently, because there have been lots of pacific demonstrations this year, and we all know that pacific demonstrations are DANGEROUS (yes, I'm being ironic, and yes I'm fuming). So, now the unauthorized demonstrations are prohibited, and they will fine you up to 30,000 euros (if I have understood correctly) if you take part on it, as if they were going to authorize protests against the things they are doing wrong. Oh, wait, you can't "attack" Spanish institutions either, so I guess that if you protest against the government you get finned too. Additionally, I don't know if it's in this law or what, security guards will be able to arrest people. If you want to read it all I found it here, but I'm too angry to keep reading (it's in Spanish, feel free to use Google Translate).

2) Our extraordinary government, is also VERY worried about women's rights. They are SO worried that they have decided to change the abortion law. Thing is, we had a really good abortion law, it was open and it worked with time points. Now, our beloved government, has decided to change it and you will only be able to abort in two cases: I) you are raped and you denounce, and only until the 12th week, II) there is a risk for the health of the mother (either psychiatric or physical), then it will be up to 22 weeks. If the fetus has a malformation you will need two certificates from two different doctors evidencing that first, the fetus has a malformation, and second, that it will lead to permanent psychiatric damage to the mother. WHO THE FUCK DO THEY THINK THEY ARE? See, you can be pro-choice or anti-choice (or whatever you call the ones that call themselves "pro-life"), having a child with a severe malformation is emotionally stressful for the mothers. Having to decide to abort because you know that your child is going to live a short and painful life, is stressful. It is not an easy choice. IT IS NOT. But at least you can decide about it. It's not like anyone is going to force you to abort if you don't want to. But let women decide on what they want to do. You might want to hear something funny. The people who have written this law were entirely men. ENTIRELY. Also, someone has got the idea to say that a 22-week-old fetus can live outside the womb independently. INDEPENDENTLY MY BALLS! These children need lots of special care and they usually need special care FOR LIFE. But, sure, that's business, since they are privatizing the FUCKING public health system. And they do it because they are good Christians and all. Of course, the church is happy with it. Because they know a lot about motherhood, I guess (suckers).

3) We all know that Spain is a land of wonder and happiness. However, inexplicably, there is a region that wants to get out of this marvelous country. Catalonia is going to have a referendum on their (our) possible independence on November the 9th 2014. Why? Well, we are one of the richest regions in Spain, in fact we are losing money every day we are in Spain. Have you seen the link? If not you should. Now? Yeah, it's pretty crazy, right? Well, we are the THIRD region in the world that pays the most taxes, but most of the money is lost. Forever. Also, we have our own differential culture, our own government (one of the oldest governments) and our own language. You might think that Spain should try to make us happy in order for us to stay and help with the economy. But apparently the Spanish government is stupid and decides to fuck with us as much as they can. For example, making Spanish the vehicular language in schools (when it was Catalan, and it will be). Also, since the whole pro-independence movement has strengthened, several people in Spain have menaced to take the tanks on the streets (bring the motherfucking tanks, losers) or to suspend the autonomy. Additionally, they won't allow us to do the referendum, and they keep telling us that we will end up out of the European Union, the Euro and the NATO (not that we wanted to be in the NATO in the first place...).

As you can see I'm very very very angry. Main reason is because THIS looks every time more and more like a dictatorship. And we have had enough of dictatorships. You don't believe me? When Franco was the dictator demonstrations were prohibited (1), abortion was prohibited (2) and anything regarding the Catalan government or the Catalan language was banned (3).

Did I get on the fucking Delorean?

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