
Things you realize about Christmas (the year you are not celebrating them)

For several reasons this year I haven't celebrated Christmas. Main reason being that my family is more than 9,500 km away (that's 5,900 miles for the ones of you who use that stupid measuring system). And these couple of days (Christmas Eve and Christmas Day) I've been thinking a lot about what is Christmas.

Those of you who know me are aware that I'm an atheist and I hate Christmas. However, all this has helped me put some perspective on it.

1) There is no thing as a "Christmas feeling". Seriously, people say that Christmas is in the air and all this stuff. It's not. Sure, there are decorations and everything, but I yet have to listen to a Christmas carol. I mean, back in my place you can't go on the street in December without listening to one of those stupid songs. Believe me, if there weren't all those decorations put up, no one would know it's Christmas.

2) Christmas is not about the presents. Of course, getting presents and all this shit is nice as hell, but I didn't get any this year, and, sure, I like to get them (basically because it means that it's stuff I don't need to buy myself), but it wasn't the part I missed the most.

3) I'm a known grump, and I'm always complaining about them, but the thing I missed the most was my family. They get tiring and all, but I missed them. It's one of the times when we are all together and talking about stuff, and having fun.

4) It's kind of sad that these moments of bonding within families happen only once a year. It's like as if we people needed the calendar to tell us when to get together. Why can't we have this kind of willingness to meet more often? Why do we need to do it for Christmas? You might get better along with someone in your family than with some other, but in the end of the day they remain your family.

5) Food is also important. I mean, like FOOD, for Christmas is when everyone steps up their cooking game and everything is delicious. I'm missing the food a lot. I actually bought some "turrons" in the supermarket, that yesterday tasted horrible and now I'm starting to like. I won't deny that I'm happy I'm skipping the whole "eat-like-a-pig" deal, mainly because that food makes you SO fat (and I'm not able to go running around here yet (I'm doing core training, like pretty heavily in the mornings, though)), but it's SO delicious.

It's funny how being away can make you change your mind about something, about what is important. And I've realized that the most important thing in life is having people who cares about you and loves you, and that's not only what Christmas is about, but also what life is about.

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