
I saw a Monarch butterfly or a multicultural party or being sick on a boat or winning NaNoWriMo

Let's do this in order... I saw a fucking Monarch butterfly on Saturday! It was big, and bright, and it flew with such a grace that I wanted to chase behind her (but I couldn't because I had to go buy food, because, you know, food). Still it was beautiful, but it flew so fast that I couldn't snap a pic of it (and now I feel sad).

Secondly, on Saturday evening I went to a party where there was people from all over the world speaking in Spanish (well, in Mexican), it was fun, specially because the host had a book in Catalan and I got to read it out loud to several people making them realize that Catalan is awesome (yes! I'm promoting Catalan all over the world! I should get a paycheck for this). It was one of the best parties I've been lately, and I am saying this taking into account that I didn't know much people in there, and that I am socially awkward.

Third, on Sunday we went to Xochimilco where there are channels and some kind of boats, BUT I was sick all the time (not because of the boats, but because of something I've caught (maybe) because today I was still feeling a bit unwell). It's beautiful and different, but apparently the whole city was like that before, they would grow stuff on the water and they had to go everywhere with boats. It was crowded mimicking the traffic jams that you can find in the real city.

Finally, I'm pleased to announce that I've won NaNoWriMo! This basically means that I've written 50k words in less than a month, and the good news is that I keep writing! Now I only need to finish it, edit it, and find a way to publish it! Yay! I also get to brag about it as much as I can as you can see by the new picture that is on the right of this post.

1 comment:

  1. Eiiii congrats per lo del NaNoWriMo!! No paris d'escriure i ja diràs quan l'hagis acabat! I estigues atenta per si veus més papallones monarques eh! :)
    Una abraçada i cuidat molttttt!
