
NaNoWriMo or why going crazy is actually good for me

As some as you might already know I'm doing this crazy thing called NaNoWriMo (which ALMOST made me write "I am" instead of I'm so it would count as two words). It is completely insane and I already feel that I'm losing my mind (again my inner editor told me to write "I am"), but I realized that it is actually a really good exercise for me. Reasons below:

1) I'll have to write at least 50,000 words before the end of this month. By the way I'm already past 41k (I go!). So I have a deadline, and it is making me write under pressure, as all the scientists know deadlines are the worst, so I am basically making myself go through the suffering of one without any of the external pressure! (now I see that I was crazy before starting this). 

2) I'm writing in English. Main reason because I'm a masochist, and I love putting myself up to the challenge on writing in a language that is not my first. Second main reason because I've only been writing in English lately, so it made sense? The thing is that I'm making my brain think differently (okay maybe just think). 

3) So all of it combined means that when it's time to write my thesis I'll be ultra-prepared! Because if I can write more than 41,000 words in 19 days when I actually have no idea of what's really going on, imagine what will I be able to do when I do know everything! (this was such a big revelation that I stopped writing my novel, announced it on twitter and hurried here to write it). 

So my advice is, if you ever have to write something long under lots of pressure, do one NaNoWriMo and after it everything will be as smooth as silk.

P.S.: people from my Facebook, I know you read me, I see the traffic sources in the stats, so be nice and leave a comment either here or on the Facebook link, I'd do it for you (unless I didn't like you, then I wouldn't and I would make as if I had never seen anything you posted). 

1 comment:

  1. Vaaaal... comentarem.... jajaja
    Ànims això! Ara, no et vull "pressionar" però quan escriguis la tesi potser te'n adonaràs que no ho saps tot (al menys a mí em passa que quan redacto alguna cosa que se suposa que sé és quan començo a preguntar-me mil coses més i me'n adono que encara hi ha moltes coses que no se saben...) xD

    Que vagi molt bé, ja publicaràs com ha acabat tot plegat!!
