Today has been one of those days when I think too much. Probably it was because I woke up before three fucking thirty in the morning and couldn't go back to sleep. Maybe not, maybe it's just the pressure of having to go back home in 10 days. The thing is that, today, I was thinking if I had made a mistake by starting my PhD while being still so young. I mean, maybe I should have taken a couple of years off, enjoy life, travel, love, and then commit to science.
I've never been great at taking decisions, in fact I've been wrong thousands of times, but I've learnt to embrace my errors, because they made me who I am. Yet, I can't help but wonder how would my life be if I had taken another decision? I know it sounds as if I were not happy with the life I have right now. I am happy, I swear. I don't think I could be happy doing something else (that taking into account that I'm a scientist who writes), but there is always the question: what would have happened if?
2 anys de "descans" abans de fer el doctorat crec que no haguessin fet res més que despistar-te i després posar-te problemilles per fer-lo ja que en dos anys les coses s'obliden i a més amb això dels doctorats et posarien més pegues. Crec que la parada aquesta la pots fer breu després del phd, i segur que trobaràs moments per fer-ho. A més et recordo que ets una dona de ciència, no sé si aguantaries tant de temps sense fer res profitós en aquest sentit! ;)