

It all started when I turned twenty-seven, I was extremely busy and spent most of my time at work. I would go from work to my place and from my place to work. I avoided social interactions because they made my tired, because I started hating people. During the weekends I'd spend most of the time sleeping and the rest eating and going for short runs. I didn't give it much importance, I was tired, it was normal, I had lots of pressure. 

I wasn't worried, but my mother was. She told me that I needed to socialize more, that I was becoming a hermit. I told her that it was nonsense and carried on with my life. When my teeth started getting sharp I thought that maybe it was something I was eating, or that I maybe I grinded my teeth while sleeping. Next, it was my eyes, the pupils became smaller and vertical. I went to the doctor, but he said that, except for the shape of the pupils, everything was alright, he ran some more tests and still couldn't find anything wrong. When I grew whiskers there was nothing to do, in matter of weeks I was covered in fur, had grown whiskers, and walked on all fours. I had become a human-sized cat and I fulfilled my destiny of not getting out of home ever again. 

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