Anyway, I started my day by walking along the park in the canal. It was when it was sunnier and I even got to see a rainbow on a fountain.
After that I headed to the old town, trying to keep track of the places I went, until I decided to give up because I have never really had a method other than "go wherever it looks nice" and Rīga is the perfect place for such a method as there are thousands of little hidden things. At every corner you can find something waiting for you or music, all that beautiful music. Guys, I think I'm in love with Latvia.
As you can see I kind of wandered around a lot, so it is possible that some of the pictures are actually from the same places but on different moments.
Afterwards I crossed to the "Russian" part to go to the market (which means I have a thousand pictures of fruit on my camera) and to see the Science Academy Building because I can't stay away from Science, apparently.
Rīga is known to be really rich in Art Noveau having a whole district build in this style. And that's were I headed next.
As you can see there was lots of pretty buildings, I even stumbled upon the Spanish embassy. I was pretty tired at this point, but I went back to the old city for a last walk before going to the hostel. I stumbled upon the sound checks of a concert on my way there, so I was entretained for a while, also those guys were really good and really passionate (and that's why I have a thing for musicians).
That animal totem pole thingy is awesome.