
Road-tripping around the Baltic States. Day 14: Tallinn.

Today I had the whole day to go around Tallinn and see if my first impression had been the right one. But first I took a morning sauna because if there's a sauna at the hostel I AM USING IT. After the sauna I headed out and started visiting the old town east to west (because it was very sunny and it was the only way for pictures not to suck. However, I still have the same feeling that the old town is just an amusement park, tailored for tourists and that the people from Tallinn barely go there. It is very beautiful but it had an empty vibe to it (again, maybe that's just me). It is very pretty and it has some really well conserved city walls, also most of the buildings inside the city walls are old and painted in different colors, making them a feast for the eyes. 

I stopped for lunch and I had motherfucking pancakes. I'm still full from it, by the way. 

And when I finished my lunch Tallinn had become a gloomy city with overcast skies. 

And it started raining, so what else is there to do on a rainy day other than going to visit an abandoned prison? If you have answered anything other than "nothing", we can't be friends, unless you answered "going to the bookstore". So I went to Patarei prison where I stumbled into a guided tour that let me tag along, I'm not a fan of guided tours because they tell you what to do and where to go, but this one let you into the closed part of the prison and therefore it was quite rad. Now I'll post some creepy pictures, so stop reading if you don't want to see them. 

The prison was in use until 2005 and it was specially populated during the soviet era. During those times 40 prisoners would share a small cell. The part that is open to the general public holds a street art exhibition that is both creepy and uplifting as well as revolutionary in a way. 

This was the place where prisoners where allowed for an hour to get some fresh air. 

And this the hanging room, although the preferred method for execution was a couple of shots in the head so this room was little used. You don't really want to see the room where they shot people, it was actually on the closed down part that didn't even have lighting. 

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